Tag: Afghanistan

Like colours in a cheap fabric

Like colours in a cheap fabric

Soviet soldier Bakhretdin Khakimov was declared missing in action during the war in Afghanistan, which claimed the lives of 15,000 USSR soldiers and more than a million Afghans. Thirty-three years later, his family found out he was alive, living as a true Afghan among his former enemies.

Will Afghanistan become a hotbed of international terrorism?

In recent weeks, Afghanistan has become a tender spot for the whole world. The Taliban's new and newly offensive rise to power is a novel situation for the international community, and every international player wants to know how to position itself in this new pattern of dynamic, bewildering forces.

Upheaval in Afghanistan highlights the horrors of conflict

It’s hard to know where to begin when it comes to the situation currently unfolding in Afghanistan.
who are the taliban

Who are the Taliban and how did they turn Afganistan against itself?

The rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan is the result of a history marked by local political ambitions, regional rivalry, and conflicting geopolitical aspirations, in which the religious element cannot be ignored. Who are the Taliban? What motivates them? Who helps them? What did they do when they ruled over Afghanistan, and what could they do now that they are back in power?