Tag: beautiful life

The greatness of an ordinary life

The greatness of an ordinary life

From an early age, we are bombarded with messages telling us to stand out, to make something of ourselves, to do something great with our lives. Many times the voices are religious in nature: God has great plans for us, He will do truly remarkable things with our lives.
"Are you as old as you feel?" The factors of successful ageing

“Are you as old as you feel?” The factors of successful ageing

The factors behind successful ageing have been the subject of research for decades, but the subjective side of ageing still needs to be explored. Because successful ageing is more than an attempt to defy age and its frailties, it is a process in which, in addition to losses, benefits need to be taken into account—not just those delivered by good genetics or a healthy lifestyle, but also those generated by a positive outlook on life, even as it nears its sunset.