Tag: bible interpretation


Born in Bethlehem, adopted by Hollywood

Born of a virgin, brought up in humble conditions with phenomenal dignity, poor all throughout his life but desired as king by thousands, famous for healing the sick and raising the dead, the target of conspiracies of the highest officials, killed by crucifixion and resurrected after three days—Jesus Christ is at the centre of the most fabulous script ever to fall into the hands of filmmakers.
biblical manuscripts

The accuracy of biblical manuscripts

What guarantees do we have that the texts from which modern translations of the Bible were made reflect the original?

The primary message

How do we discover the intention of the biblical author—and how important is it in interpreting the Bible correctly?
the truth

It’s just us and the Truth. Who judges whom?

The (metaphysical) Truth does not allow us to judge Him. According to the Bible, He expects to be believed and accepted so that He can be understood and evaluated. In contrast, the Truth is the One who judges us.
whole bible

Good reasons to read the whole Bible

As intimidating as the Bible may sometimes be, especially because of its size and its sometimes difficult passages, many who have read it from cover to cover say that it has changed their lives for the better—the spiritual resources the whole Bible can provide are not found elsewhere.
flat earth theory

What the Bible says about the flat Earth theory

Against the background of declining confidence in the elites—be they political, religious or scientific—flat Earth theory has lately been revived and promoted by a wave of fake news and misinformation that circulates on social media. In this article we will analyse the connection between the Bible and the flat Earth theory.