Tag: diet

Organic or conventional: a challenging food choice

Organic or conventional: a challenging food choice

The controversy surrounding organic foods is far from being resolved. Some argue it’s merely a marketing tool aimed at emptying consumers’ pockets, while others believe they’ve found the path to better health, provided they can afford the luxury.
Low-carbohydrate diets may shorten lifespan

Low-carbohydrate diets may shorten lifespan

A diet based on significantly reducing the amount of carbohydrates on your plate can reduce life expectancy by up to 4 years, according to a study published in The Lancet Public Health.
types of diets

What should we eat? | A comparison between three types of diets

In Romania, they say that everyone is an expert in football and politics. But I believe it is more appropriate to say that everyone is an expert in food—or so they think. Except for a small minority, most of us have quite strong opinions about what we eat.
plant-based diet

Dare to eat plants like Daniel

In late 2019, an explosive new documentary, Game Changers, was dominating fitness industry headlines. Boasting the approval of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Novak Djokovic and Lewis Hamilton, the documentary claimed that peak athleticism could be attained on a plant-based diet—combatting longstanding assumptions about eating meat for muscle growth.
food and health

Food and health with Dr Michael Orlich of the Loma Linda University Medical Center

When the founders of the Loma Linda University Medical Center in California laid the foundation, their purpose was somewhat paradoxical. Christians to the bone, and Adventists on top of that, they echoed the words attributed to the great reformer Martin Luther: “Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.”
lose weight

Diet rush: What should we eat in order to lose weight?

What should we change in our diets in order to lose weight? It is estimated that at least half of the female population—and a few men who are scared by their doctors, family, friends or what they see when they look in the mirror—want to lose weight.
vitamin B12

Twelve months in a year, vitamin B12

The quantity of Vitamin B12 required for a healthy diet is measured in micrograms, but the impact on human health is far greater than these tiny amounts would suggest.

A single stomach—and plenty of reasons not to stuff it

What would it be like to eat 8,6 kilograms of food in a single meal? Although it seems absurd to try and fit so much food into one’s stomach, a 23-year old model from London conducted just such an experiment in 1981.