Tag: financial education

 Am I a materialist enough to resist materialism?

Am I materialist enough to resist materialism?

Eye-catching banners on high-traffic websites, marketing campaigns, genuine or illusory discounts, deals that vanish in seconds. Shopping lists, fierce price hunts, early morning alarms. Jumping the gun, millions in sales, ecstatic or dissatisfied customers, delayed deliveries, and blown budgets. In a word: Black Friday.
The Journey to Financial Freedom

The journey to financial freedom

Money . . . It’s the grease that makes the world go round, yet it’s one of the least chosen table topics of choice. With the rising cost of living, the price of lettuce being tripled and a seemingly never-ending list of things to pay for, many are worrying about their financial future. So long as we continue to ignore the conversation, the small problems we let slip regularly will build up to substantial challenges. Talking about money is necessary if we want to turn our situations around.

How to manage “good debt” and “bad debt”

Almost half of Romanians are in debt, while 39% say that they don’t pay their debt on time, and 29% never create a budget. These figures, based on the most recent national studies, reflect Romanians’ values and financial literacy, but they can also represent the starting point of a conversation about "good debt" and "bad debt."

Be the master of your money

Money is essential in our Western world. It allows us to purchase the necessities of life—food and shelter, for instance. It pays the bills for heating and cooling. There may even be enough for some luxuries.
family budget

The family budget | A financial instrument and an act of elementary husbandry

From government officials to leaders of large corporations and from heads of public institutions to small private entrepreneurs, using the revenue and expenditure budget has become a common practice. The question we will try to answer in this article is whether and in what way this financial instrument finds its utility in the family space as well. How do you build a family budget?

To whom, how much, and how do we lend money? | Biblical coordinates

In order to obtain money, along with the facilities offered by specialised institutions (banks, credit unions, mutual assistance services), many people resort to a series of ad-hoc financial relations, known as “personal loans”.
financial literacy

Financial literacy is in the spirit of the Bible

Are you financially literate? If your financial management strategy is one of the following four, then the answer is probably no.

Never enough money? A road to financial independence

The memory of having spent all the money in my account and still having a week to go until my next salary is painfully vivid to me, even though it has been quite a few years since that was my month-to-month reality.
bitcoin cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies: Three difficult questions about Bitcoin

The world of cryptocurrencies is a hyper-competitive one, where the most expensive currency seems to be, in fact, quality information. Therefore, given the opportunity to talk to an investor with four years of experience in crypto trading, I considered it a good moment to check the opinions that may inform the decision to invest or not in cryptocurrencies.

Money and the inevitable worrying about tomorrow

The love of money may be the root of all evil, but the need for money cannot be subjected to a harsh moral judgment.