Tag: nature

How can I know God as He is, rather than as I imagine Him to be?

How can I know God as He is, rather than as I imagine Him to...

To know God is an aspiration inherent in the rational being who recognises His existence.
Miracles or superstition? | An a posteriori response to the anti-supernaturalist assumption

Miracles or superstition? | An a posteriori response to the anti-supernaturalist assumption

Up until the Enlightenment, the idea that the miracles recorded in the pages of the Bible happened as the biblical writers described them was widely accepted. With the rationalism of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, an alternative theory emerged: that miracles were not possible in naturalistic metaphysics.
indoor generation

The return to nature

What would you think if your doctor prescribed a dose of nature, as a clinical and therapeutic treatment—to admire a cloud, to have a meal at the beach, to bury your face in the grass? This is exactly what some doctors are doing, after studies have shown the benefits of connecting with nature—especially since the trend of moving away from nature in recent decades has led to the birth of an indoor generation, which spends up to 90% of its time indoors.

The road home

The miracle of modern technology today is idealised by almost everyone. The way in which technology has placed the world at our feet, ensuring that we are at the centre of the universe even while lying on our couches, and that we find solutions simply by swiping our finger along a screen, has irredeemably conquered us.