Tag: vegetarian diet

I have no strength unless I eat meat. True or false?

“I have no strength unless I eat meat.” True or false?

Physical strength is often automatically associated with meat consumption, and the association seems logical: doesn't the strength of the animal that has become food pass through digestion to the body that consumes it? This is the question we seek to answer in this article.
Between 6 and 10 years of extra life make a difference

Between 6 and 10 years of extra life make a difference

Over the past few years, several major media outlets have been talking about the increased longevity of Adventists compared to the populations they live among (CNN,  BBC, DW, NBC, CBS, ABC, CBN, National Geographic, Time, Los Angeles Times,  Huffington Post, The Atlantic, etc.).
Vegetarian essentials meal lunch healthy

Vegetarian essentials

We all know that what we put into our bodies can have a direct impact on our health. It’s the reason we’re so frequently bombarded by different diet options, all promising in one form or another to help us “lose weight,” “feel fresh and energetic” or even to “cure autism and reverse chronic fatigue.” Fad diets aside, dietitians, nutritionists and healthcare professionals mostly agree on what’s really good for us: minimally processed, plant-based whole foods. In other words, a vegetarian diet.