Tag: prison

Freed from the prison of a troubled mind

Behind a successful career, John Baxter's life was falling apart.
Ahn Ei Sook | The Wolf Tamer

Ahn Ei Sook | The Wolf Tamer

In cell number 8 of the prison in Pyongyang, a few frozen and emaciated prisoners had to endure an additional torture: the pungent smell and wild screams of an untamed creature.
"You have to give up being human to endure and survive" | Life in the North Korean prison system

“You have to give up being human to endure and survive” | Life in the...

Rape, torture, extrajudicial executions, and starvation are common practices in the North Korean prison system, dehumanising detainees to the point where they believe they deserve this treatment, according to a report published by a human rights monitoring body.